Monday, April 30, 2007

Monday Monday

Today we went on a walk with Wendy and Kennedy in the morning.

Then we came home and got ready for lunch with Grandmother and Aunt KB and Uncle Cecil.

Then we went back to Grandmothers house and she held me a while.

She put me right to sleep.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Sunday Sunday

Today we went to church with Kim and Kirk.
Don't I look nice in my cute outfit.

Then we went and had breakfast at the Original Pancake House.
I decided to spit up all over Kirk- he was a good sport and didn't seem to mind.
Then me, Kim and Mom went on a walk.
I had a good time for a while then I decided I was too hot
so I cried until Mom and Kim took me inside.
Then on our way home Dad called Mom from Africa.
Mom was so excited.
Dad had a good flight sounds like he did not sleep much.
He was going to sleep after he got off the phone with us.
I hope we hear from him again soon.
Good Luck Dad--- We love you.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Dinner with Neighbors

This is one of my neighbors, Shepard.
He got to gold me tonight.

And this is Eric and Marissa his parents.
Marissa really likes to hold me.
Mom and I had dinner tonight with them.
It was very good.

Daddy is Gone

Dad left this morning.
Mom and I took him to the airport. We had to stop at CVS to get Dad some candy for his trip.
Then we got all his stuff checked in and he held me one last time and gave me one last kiss. Then he got on the plane for Atlanta.
He called Mom and I to let us know he made it to Atlanta OK and that he had met up with Regan and Don.
They all had dinner and then got on there plane to Africa.
Mom and I are sad that he is gone but we know he will have a great time and take lots of pictures.
We love you Dad- hope you can see this site.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Daddy Time

Tonight Dad and I spent some quality time together.
He is leaving for Africa in the morning.

He gave me lots of kisses so I wouldn't forget him while he was gone.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Boppy Time

Mom keeps trying to put me on my Boppy but I keep falling asleep.
It is just so comfortable. I can't wait till I can sleep on my stomach.
How ever if you notice I have butt up in the air- I can get my knees up under me.
I am so strong.
Dad makes me to leg exercises at night when he gets home from work.
He is working on my walking skills already.
I keep telling him I have to crawl first.
Actually I have to get control of my arms and legs first.

Swingin' with Lauren

I hope you enjoy the swing time I had this afternoon with my mom.

I sure did.

Mom took 2 video but one was too long.


I am in there just bundled up and asleep.
This is my other friend Colton he is 9 months old.
Today I went on a walk with Angela and Colton.

We do that every Tuesday and Thursday it is so much fun.

I usually sleep through most of it.

Today there were lots of butterflies that kept landing on my stroller.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Visit with Grandmother

Today in the major storm mom and I went and visited Grandmother and Aunt KB came over to see me too.

Grandmother was not happy with us that we were out in the storms but she got over it when she was holding me.

Monday, April 23, 2007

We went to have pizza at my friends house- Jeff and Lisa.
Hunter held me but I started crying and he was done holding me.
Lisa just couldn't believe how much I have grown.
Taylor just kept poking me but man when I am older I know we are going to have so much fun together.
She is so full of energy.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Sleepy Head

Last Night we went to the St.Andrew's Auction.
I think Nana and Oompa had a good time.
Don't you love Oompa's hat I hope that I get to wear it some day.

I was kind of a crank pot it was so loud and everyone was trying to get me to calm down but I was having no part of that until Mom and Dad took me outside and it was a lot quieter.
Mr Keith held me for a while.
Dolly tried to get me to stop crying too.
But when we got home and I got some dinner in me I was good to go.
So good that I slept all night last night. From 11:30pm to 7am.
Dad says it was his superior parenting skills.
Mom went for a girls day yesterday she was gone from 9:30 am til 5pm and dad watched me.
He gave me 3 bottles and we napped and went to Cabela's and went to see Oompa.
He did a fantastic job- I knew he would.
But mom took both cameras with her and so no pics.
That mom??

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Visit with Friends

We went to Wendy's house today- she is one of mom's friends from work.
She just had a little girl a week ago- Kennedy Katherine.
Her oldest James Wesley got to hold both of us at once.
He did a good job.
I love meeting new friends.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Weekend of Fun

This weekend some of my mom and dad's friends came to visit - Auntie Daz, Liesl, Ericka and Travis.
Travis is in the Army and he is going to Iraq on Friday and
his mom (Daz) and sisters (Liesl & Ericka) came to wish him well.
He is stationed in Fort Hood, Texas.
We had so much fun.
The weekend started off a little rocky- Auntie Daz & Liesls flights were delayed a bit.
They got in around 1am Mom and I were asleep on the couch when they got in.
I got to be held all weekend.

Travis changed my diaper- NOT!! He just posed for the picture.
He did like to touch my cheeks a lot.
We all watched The Office in mom and dad's room it was fun.
Travis and I fell asleep.
Liesl tried on Travis's Army stuff- wow it looked very heavy.
But he will be very safe wearing all that gear.
We went to Billy Bob's and got a great tour from Marty one of mom's friends .
Hear we all are in the green room that is were all the artist go after there show.
We went to Boi Na Braza with the Townsend's and it was so good.
All the adults ate so much they had to loosen their pants.
We also had at Piranha's- like always.
I can't wait until I am old enough to try this sushi stuff
my mom and dad eat it all the time.

We had so much fun mom forgot to take pictures
but I know her friends did
so maybe they will send me some and I can put them on the blog.
Thanks Auntie Daz for sending some pics so mom could post them.

We wish Travis the best of luck in his travels and can't wait to see him again.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Picture Perfect

Look at my cute little feet and hands.

Look at my double chin- man am I gaining some weight and I am growing taller too.
This is my family.
My Aunt Becky and my cousins Colton & Aubrey and my mom and Dad.
My uncle Doug couldn't make it but I am going to get to meet him in a few weeks
when I go to Columbia.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Mexican Train

Games!! Games!! Games!!
Man my mom loves games.
She has been playing a lot of game lately.

She tried to teach me how to play but I didn't understand.
Maybe some day.

She did however give me lots of kisses during the game.

Sleeping with Nana

Nana and I took a nap while she was visiting.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Aquarium Day

We went to the Dallas Aquarium with my Nana and my Great Aunt Nancy.
We saw all kinds of cool animals.

My favorite was the the 3 toed sloth.