Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!!!

Today I had a parade at school.
My mom, dad and my Aunt Dolly came to see me.

My friend Madalyn was a fairy.
I like her shoes.
Yoda and Scarecrow were at the parade too.

Dragon are so cute!
The happy family!!
Wait Zebras don't roar. What do they do?

This grass was weird on my hands.
I do like pumpkins.
Then my dad took me to see my Nana Townsend at school.
She was so excited to see me.
I got my picture taken in the pumpkin patch at school.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

My moms long walk

So my mom went on a very long walk over the weekend.
This is the last day when they finished.
Walkers for Knockers is the name of her team.

Mom let me type what I thought of all of it.
"nh ggggvd c brrrrrrrrrf oi "
Don't you agree.
Day 2 after they finished walking 24 miles.
The first night in the tents.
I didn't get to stay the night.
Aunt Becky got to hold a cool flag.

So did Lisel.
Me and my cousins got to stay with my Nana.
Aubrey kept this thing in her mouth and wanted real bad.
She let me have it once.
But nothing is better than my thumb.
Judy and Lisel walking
Aunt Becky and Laura walking.

Look at all the pink tents.
Dad came with us one day and he feed me while
we were waiting for mom to get done with the walk.
My cousin Colton got to walk with us sometime when we coming into the rest stops.
Colton, Dad and I got to sit a blanket and wait for the walkers.
The night visit was a lot of fun but boy was it cold.

Dad and I.
Aubrey and her team hat.
I was so happy to see my mom.
Auntie Daz was with us all weekend too.
Nana took such good care of all of us.

I love my mom so much!!!!
Aunt Becky and cousin Colton.
Cousin Colton missed his mom but he was so excited when he got to see her at the rest stops.
Only one forth of a mile from the finish line.
Colton and I got to play a lot.

Aubrey always has that thing in my mouth.
It was cold in morning and so dad got me this cool hat.

Mom was so excited to see me on Saturday.
She said she missed me.
Auntie Daz and Nana brought lunch from Chipolte.

Nana, Colton and Aubrey climbed a tree.
The start was a little cold.
I got to stay at home with Nana and my cousins.

Yummy breakfast in the park.

Nana and Aubrey did some swinging.
The start was a cold day, Iam so glad I didn't have to go.
The start of Day 3.
Judy give me a little bit of wine- PLEASE!!!
My mom is so funny.