Saturday, November 24, 2007

New Trick

So today I tried a new trick.

I did it last night but Mom couldn't catch it on video because I am too quick.

I am so BIG!!!

Friday, November 23, 2007

Crawling... Kind Of

So I am trying very hard to crawl but I do more of an army crawl.

My friend Travis taught me when he was here in April.

I can't wait to see him again in January.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Thanksgiving Day

This morning we got up really early to go on my first Turkey Trot.
I got my picture with two turkeys at the walk.
I was all wrapped up for the walk.
They put socks on my hands.
Dad pushed me but I was not having so much fun so we had to go home early.
I don't think I have ever been that cold.
I didn't like it

We went to Nana's house and I got a pretzel and some celery.
I did not like the celery.

My Aunt Dolly gave me a cork to chew on.
Don't I look funny.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Getting Ready for Thanksgiving

We had to make some green bean casserole for Nana's house.
Mom gave me a bite of green beans.
I am really liking this really food stuff.

My cousins Jessica and Jeffery came over for dinner tonight.

Jessica was feeding me pretend food.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Long Day- Long Weekend

So this weekend has been a long one.
My parents don't ever slow down and today I just about lost it.
I was so tired but I did not want to go to sleep and my mom was playing with her friend Allison and my dad was watching football.
I was crying in my crib
but they knew I was tired so they just left me in there
and knew I would eventually fall asleep.
Well I have this new trick I can sit myself up for the laying down position.
So when my mom came to get me up this is what I looked like.
I also had a red mark across my forehead for the slats on my bed.
Funny huh?

I also had some major plumbers crack.
I need to watch this.
Not very lady like.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Last time in Dad's Truck

Today my dad got a new car.
So I got to drive his truck just one more time before we sold it.
Look I can almost reach the pedals.
Just a few more years and I will have it down for sure.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Kyle and Amanda's New Place

Tonight we went to dinner with Kyle and Amanda and afterwards we got to go back to their house and play with another dog.
It was fun she kept licking my hands and she even licked my face once.
My mom didn't like it but I did.
She would sit still so I could pet her.
Her fur was very soft.
I even got down on the floor and played with her.

My School Thanksgiving

Today at school we had a big Thanksgiving dinner.
And all our moms and dads came to school to have lunch with us.
It was so much fun.

We tried to get a class picture but we are all too fast to get in one spot at a time.
Madalyn and Noah and Me sat still for just one.
Me and Madalyn are great friends.
I like to hug her.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

RNDC Road-eo

Today we went to mom and dad's work.
There was a Road-eo going on.
They had a truck course and a fork lift course.

You see these big trucks had to go through this course and who ever did it the best got a prize.
The trucks got very close to me but I wasn't scared not even when they blew there horns.
As long as I had my water bottle I was a OK.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Dogs- I love them!!

This weekend my dad went out of town so mom and I went and played with some of our friends.
Tonight we went to Ian's house and had fajitas.
They were good.
After dinner we got in our PJs- turns out the Ian and I have matching PJs.
Don't we look cute.
I had to hold him he can't sit up by himself yet but I am trying to teach him.
He has a dog named Maddy and I like to watch her go everywhere.
Ian watched me from his swing while I "army man" crawl all over the place.

Maddy was sniffing me a lot and I tried to sniff her too.
But boy was she fast.
So day I will be able to catch her.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

New Friend

One of my daddy's friends from college, Brad Spikes, had a new little girl, her name is Malley.
Here we are with our mom's.
We had sushi together.
I can''t wait til I can eat sushi.
All I get now is the rise and it just sticks to my lips.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Colorado Friends

Tonight we had friend come to visit all the way from Colorado.
Mr. and Mrs. Sampish.
Man are they fun.
Mr. Sampish has this cool beard I like to play with.
And Mrs. Sampish just liked to play with me and kept saying how cute I was.
My dad eats ice a lot and I like to play with it.
Sometimes he lets me try and chew on it.
It feels good on my teeth.
He always is trying to get me with it.
I usually get a way from him.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Visit to see Friends

Tonight we went to have dinner with my friend Broddie.
He has new little sister named Bennett but
Mom forgot to get a picture of her but she is cute.
Broddie and I gave each other lots of hugs.
And he let me play with all his cool toys.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Go Aggies- But don't tell my Dad

Tonight I went to my Nana's to watch the Aggies play football.
It was a lot of fun.

I got to drink out of a cup with my Nana.

Aunt Dolly tried to make me do something funny with my fingers.