Sunday, December 30, 2007

Fake New Years Eve

Last night my mom and dad went out with their friends and celebrated New Years Eve.
I got to stay with my friend Allison.
We had a pajama party but didn't get any pictures because my mom had the camera.

Looks like they had fun.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Chriatmas Day

Merry Christmas!!!
I got a camera and you can't catch me.

Look what I got tissue paper. It was my favorite present.
My Nana and PawPaw gave me this box with a Christmas books in it and she said she will put a new one in it every year.
Look I fit in it.

My mom got some dumb sticks and she let me play with them.

And a cool hat.

Look at all my stuff.

Nana and PawPaw took me outside this afternoon for a swing.
It was very fun.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas Eve Festivity

Tonight we went the Gaylord Texan to see all the lights and have dinner.

BRRRRR!!! It was cold in the ICE show.
Aren't we a cute family??

It was so pretty.
Look at the blue penguin.

Nana let me have some of her water after we had dinner.
I got to have some bread at dinner it was very good.

What a beautiful family.
I am so happy my Nana and PawPaw came to visit me,

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Dinner with Friends

Tonight we had dinner with my friend Ian and his mom and dad.
We had sushi my Nana's favorite.
Then we came back to the house to play games and I got to have one of my Nana's cookies.
Man was it good.

Ian and his Daddy smiled for picture.
I don't think I will be getting any more cookies I got up at midnight tonight and stayed awake till 3am. My mom and dad were not so happy.
Dad said no more cookies.

Seeing Santa

Today we went to visit Santa.

It was a long line and we had to do some shopping while we waited.

My PawPaw want me to get this hat.
Don't I look funny.

I wasn't to sure what he had all over his face.

Then when we went home and got some more of me in my Christmas dress.

Aren't I cute?

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Sending Christmas Cards

Today I helped my mom and Nana send Christmas cards.
They let me have the left over labels and they stuck them all over my face.

They were all laughing at me.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Lazy Sunday

Today we had to do chores around the house.

Do you like my new face I like to make?
I like to lick the windows.
Look at me standing up like a big girl.

I can even squat and get my blocks.
Mom let me chew on some of the Christmas ornaments.
I love Christmas!!

Daddy put up lights onthe house.

I got over putting the ornament on the tree pretty quick.
My mom kept telling I could touch things which I don't like that very much.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Visited Great Grandmother

Today we went to visit Great Grandmother.
She held on to me for a little bit but she said I was a wiggle wort.

Grandmother let me stand up her table.
It was fun.

I tried to eat her mail but she wouldn't let me.
She had this cool music thing and I loved it.
My dad said I was in the zone when I looked at it