Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Christmas with Nana and Pawpaw

I was so excited when my Nana and Pawpaw and Aunt Becky
and cousins, Colton and Aubrey finally arrived in Texas.
I waited for them all day.
I got to go to work with mom today and then when I got up from my nap they were here.
And we opened presents first.
We all got some great stuff!!
I got some kitchen stuff from Colton and Aubrey.
So many things I couldn't even name them all.
Aubrey and I tooled around in the car for a while.

My Nana and Pawpaw gave me a rocking chair and my Aunt Becky put it together. I love it!!

Aubrey and Colton tried to get Pawpaw.
Pawpaw had to get my cabbage patch kid out of the box.
Boy do I love it.
Nana read to me and Aubrey a lot during her visit.

We went to the Gaylord,
Longhorns scary.

Colton and I did some posing for my mom.
We got to stand in front of this really big candy house.

We went to eh big ice maze- it was very cold.

We had a lot of fun!!
More reading- me and Aubrey love to read.

A few Family pics with Nana and Pawpaw.
We had a party and made ginger bread houses.
Lots of friends came over and they all played very nice together.

The candy was my favorite part.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Day

Last night on Christmas Eve we went to Colton and Jackson's house.
we got to exchange presents.
It was a lot of fun.

Then before we left and after a bath.
Angela read us The Night Before Christmas.
It was so good.

Then when I got home mom read me a few more books and I fell asleep in her arms in the rocking chair- which I never do.

Then when I got up this morning there were all kinds of presents under the tree.
Mom and Dad let me unwrap them all.
Even the ones for them.

I got a book called The Polar Express- it looks really good.

Then I got another book- A Elmo Potty book- it makes all kinds of noises and I love it.
Then I got a big bag and it was really heavy.
Inside of it was every animal you could imagine.
I got a mommy and daddy elephant and a baby elephant

A zebra.

A baby white tiger.

Look at all these animals.Aunt Judy and Uncle Charlie got me a cool ABC book- which I have already read 6 times.
I got some new books and a Elmo cup- I am modeling them in this picture.
But my favorite toy of all is my new Elmo toy.
I gave him lots of hugs and kisses .

Then I took him and my bunny on a ride in my pink car- but mom's camera ran out of battery so she did not get a picture of that.

I hope everyone that follow me and my blog have a Merry Christmas and hope to see you all soon.

Lots of Love From Lauren

Videos from Christmas

I love to open presents.
But you must keep things picked up so there isn't a mess.

Look at all the things you can do on a potty.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Christmas with Nana and Oompa Townsend

Tonight we had Christmas with Nana and Oompa and Aunt Dolly,
Wow what a day!
I love opening presents.
I got a cool bunny with my name on it.

I got some pretty bracelets.

I got a cool wood thing that I get to bang on and the balls fall through a maze.

I got a cute hat and coat. I got a bear that I can give a bottle to.
But I like to suck on the bottle too.
Daddy got a new gun- he was very excited but told me I couldn't touch it.
And then I got the best present of all a new pink car!!!
I love it!!
I can only go backwards for now but soon I will be able to go forwards.
Thank You
Nana, Oompa and Aunt Dolly
for all the cool presents.