Saturday, June 21, 2008

Saturday Play

Today I got some new baskets and I like to put things in them.

And look I fit in them too.

Night Night!!
I almost fell asleep on the floor in the kitchen.
I was really tired.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Another Sunday

Today we had some friends over to swim and BBQ.

This is Kennedy her mom and mom mom work together.

I am 6 weeks older than her but she is bigger than me.

We were having a snack together after pool time.

After they left my dad tried to get me to wear goggles.

What do you think?
Don't I look like a frog.
The next day I tried to out them on myself and that didn't work out very good.

I don't like goggles anymore.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Swim like a fish

The high dive.
What do you think?

Well I love it

Hey did you know I am 1!!

This my newest trick what do you think?

Friday, June 6, 2008

Swim Party at my House

Today we had the moms group over for a afternoon swim.
We had lots of kids over and it was fun.

Colton and I got to a cookies for snack.
I love cookies!!

Look at all the kids in my pool.

Jackson laid out and got some sun after the mom group left.
Then we had a new group of friends come over.
Jessica and Jeffery did some swimming.
Hunter and Taylor did too but mom didn't get any pictures of them.

Daddy loves to take me for boat rides.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Helping with Dinner

Tonight my was making dinner and I wanted to help with the butter that went on the mushrooms.
I discovered that I love butter- who would have known!!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Last Swim Lesson

Tonight was my last swim lesson and man I am getting good.
I can catch the balls in the water now and I love to Kick Kick Kick.

And laying on my back is just about the best.
Aside from the high dive???

Fish I say I am a fish.