Thursday, August 28, 2008

My New Dress

Tonight I wanted to wear my moms shirt when she was changing out of her work clothes.
So she put it on me.
Looks like Kimono.
I was being very shy and wouldn't look at my mom.
It was a little low in the front.

I would probably have to wear an under shirt if I were to wear it in public.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Nana and PawPaw come to Texas

I was so excited to see my Nana and PawPaw.
They drove all the way in from Missouri.
So we had a party.
Ansley and Layton Norwood came over and they are a lot of fun.
Colton brought me his old slide because he got a new one and
my dad put it next to the pool so we can slide down it.

My Nana was so excited to see me she kept giving me all these kisses.

Jimmy and Kennedy Moss came to visit too.
Kennedy loved the cupcakes.
I thought it was too messy.

Mason Krause got to swim too. He is a real fish.
The next day we did some chores but we had to go the home depot first to get some stuff so Pawpaw carried me on his shoulders.

He said he used to carry my mom that way.

I got to wear my PawPaw shoes.

We hung the rings for my new swing my dad is putting up.
We put up the new light in the hall way.
Look how high my dad is??
We worked on my dads jeep.
I am not sure they could have done it with out me. PawPaw let me climb on the ladder.
I am such big stuff.
Nana went over all my animals with me.

I got to climb on my mom while she was on the floor.
That is one of my favorite things to do.
CLIMB on anything!! Monday mom, Nana, PawPaw and I went to IKEA.
My Nana bought me a new dress and she put my hair in piggy tails
and took these cute pictures of us all.

I loved these rocking horses but my mom said we already had enough stuff at our house.

We went to Be - Bana for lunch. (that is what my cousin Colton calls it).
I had beans - can you tell??My mom also let me dip in the cheese .
That was cool I have never done that before

Look out trouble is coming!!
This is my stink face.
Monday night my Mom and Nana went to the American Idol concert and

they had so much fun.

Mom said Nana had so much fun and she was like a kid in candy store.

But she got to see her David Cook.

Who ever he is??

I am so glad my Nana and PawPaw could come visit I hope they do that again soon.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

My New Hair-do

So today at school my teachers decided to give me a new hair do.
Can you see it?
Yep that is a pony tail!!

After we had dinner we went for a walk and then mom and dad were cleaning out the garage and I found this cool bike so I asked if I could ride it.
Mom said yes but she said she had to help.
Mom said she bought it for Colton but he is too big to ride it now.Then dad put on my PJs and pulled them up like Oompa.
That dad he is so funny. My mom was so excited she wouldn't stop taking pictures.
She was so excited about my pony tail.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Spaghetti Anyone???

Tonight Dad fixed dinner and was it ever yummy!! Spaghetti and green beans.
I got it everywhere.

I was so dirty Mom had to take me straight to the bathtub.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Visitor this weekend

This weekend Travis came up to visit from Fort Hood.
I was so happy to see him.
He got here Friday night and my parents went out so he could watch me and put me to bed.
He is so good at that.

He read me books.

We went and got him his first pair of cowboy boots and I tried on a pink hat.

What do you think?

We got to play all day on Saturday.

Travis is so much fun.

I like when he comes to visit.