Saturday, October 25, 2008

A Visit from my cousins in Missouri

My cousins and my Nana and my Aunt Becky came to visit this weekend.
My mom was so excited she forgot to take pictures. My Nana read to me and Aubrey.
Aubrey and I love books.

Just chillin on the stairs.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

State Fair with Mom's Work People

Tonight my mom took me to the State Fair. Can you see Big Tex in the background.
I loved him.
I also love Corney dogs.
They were really good.Steven and I played games too.

I got to ride on the carousel.

It was so much fun.
I didn't want to get off.

Julia and Eve Went on it with me too.

I hope some day I get to go on another carousel.
It was so much fun.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Fall Festival at St. Andrews

Today we went to St. Andrew's with Nana, Oompa and Aunt Dolly. They had a big festival going on.
It was so much fun.
I got to go in a bounce house.
I love the bounce house!!
I get to Jump which is my new favorite thing.

Mom and I rode on a train.

We went down these cool slides.

I loved it.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Visit to Missouri

Our trip started with an exciting evening.
Our car broke down and so we had to borrow mom's friends car.
But while we waited for them to come get us.
We got to run all over the car.

We had so much fun and played and played.
Aubrey turned 2 and we had a party for her.
Aunt Becky made her a cake. She is so creative.
But before the party we had to run-a-muck

I am Builder Bob- did I tell you.
Aubrey got some great stuff.
Isn't this a cute outfit.
I gave Aubrey a bench with her name on it.
Colton put it together for her.
She got some new glasses.
And a new table.

She waited so patiently for her cake.
PawPaw feed it to her.

I played on the playground with Nana and Aubrey Nana played stickers with me and Aubrey.
We colored while mom got her nails done.
We had a snack and Sandy's house.
We had sushi for lunch one day.
We got rolled up like a burrito.
We tried on PawPaw's boots.

Nana gave me lots of kisses.
PawPaw gave us horsey rides.
We played outside with bubbles and Colton did his cap gun.

Yummy Bubbles are good.

We rode in Uncle Carl's tractor.
It was really big.
I got to have a ice cream cone, it was yummy.
Aubrey and Colton liked theres too.

PawPaw read Aubrey and I Fur Fish and Game

What a wonderful visits!
I love my Nana and PawPaw so much!!!!