Sunday, November 30, 2008

Weekend after Thanksgiving

This weekend my dad went to the lease so mom and I had some fun.
Went to Nana to help her decorate her tree and take some pictures of the McKay's. Peek-a-Boo- I see you!!
Nana even let me put up some of the ornaments.

Don't I look cute in mama's glasses.
I love my mom so much!!!!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Turkey Trot

This morning we woke up early and bundled up and went for a walk.
This is my second Turkey Trot and I made it through the whole thing.
I love turkey- I can't wait to eat some. Aunt Dolly did the Turkey Trot too but she ran the whole thing we walked but we meet with her when it was over.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Travis came to stay with me- YEAH!!!

So this weekend my Mom and Dad went to Oklahoma to see Texas Tech play OU-It was a horrible game!!
So Travis came up from Fort Hood to watch me.

Me and Travis had some serious fun.

He feed me dinner and we played.

I gave him lots of kisses.

He read me every book I brought him and would read them over and over and over.
I love it when Travis comes to visit.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Thanksgiving at School

Today we had a Thanksgiving Dinner at my school with my friends.
I showed my mom and dad how much I love the sink and to wash my hands.
(Hence why I have on a tank top with my a pants.)

Mom and I eat some turkey.

Dad and I ate some biscuits.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Getting Cold

So today it is supposed to be really cold and Mom and I have to go lots of places.
So she tried on my hat and gloves from last year and they still fit.
Isn't that great.
And I like to wear them.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Lights at the Gaylord

So tonight Mom and Angela decided to take us to the tree lighting at the Gaylord.
So we bundled up and headed north.
We all promised to be really good.
Don't we look like we are going to be good.
Colton, Jackson and Angela before the tree turned on.
Me and Mom before the tree turned on.
We took some pictures in a sleigh.

Look at this giant cookie.
I tried to eat it and Mom kept telling me no.
Man did that Gaylord wipe us out.
We all fell asleep on the way home.
But boy was it a good time.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Halloween Weekend

Sorry Mom posted the pictures backwards.
So we will start with Sunday.
We went to visit Grandmother.She read me some books.
I love books.
On Saturday we had a Halloween party with the Coop.
I was a Red Raider Cheerleader- I also cheered them to victory later that evening.

We had a pinata.
Jackson took a swing at it.
Colton took a swing at it.
I played in the sand box.
It took me a while to get in the sand box I wasn't too sure about it.
Gavin and I ran across the bridge about 100 times.
Colton and I did too.
I the morning on Saturday I went Hunter soccer game- He scored a goal I think.
We went to lunch afterwards.
It was fun.
Trick or Treating was so much fun.
The Spell Girls were fairies.
The dads pulled us all in the wagons.
I was a flower and I got to have my first sucker with my mom and dad.
It was so good.
Dad took me to the house so I could get candy.
Kimbell was a lion.

Madeline and I played int eh pumpkin patch at school after our parade.

Kale was a Harley guy.

Here Noah and I are walking in the parade.
Flower power!!!
I love Halloween!!!