Sunday, April 26, 2009

A Lazy Sunday

My mama and daddy will be coming home tonight and I'm very excited!!! I think I've worn out my Nana and PawPaw. We just had a lazy day hanging out at the house today.

PawPaw and I read my Elmo book with all the puzzle pieces.
Mom had it hidden in the cabinet, but I found it!

I decided to eat my snack on my lion toy. It was lots more fun than the table!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

A Busy Saturday

We had a very busy day today! My Nana said I was a "real trooper" too; because I didn't get grouchy at all. PawPaw wanted to go to the Gun Show in Dallas...but as you can see we didn't go there first! The line to get in was WAY TOO LONG so Nana took us to the Dallas World Aquarium instead! It was LOTS of fun to see all the animals!!
I loved the flamingos! They were very loud while eating their food.
We saw a little three-toed Nana told me that's what it was. She used to teach kids about the rain forest, so she knows all about lots of animals.
PawPaw fed the toucan a blueberry.
I was a little scared to try it...that bill of his was BIG!
I loved watching the river otters playing in the water.
And I loved wearing my new hat that Aunt Becky gave me.
We did go to the Gun Show but Nana didn't take any was kind of boring so she was busy trying to keep me occupied and happy!
PawPaw went through that gun show really fast!!!
We ate dinner at Pappasitos and the wait was rather long!
PawPaw kept me busy looking for things in his pocket.
He also let me play with his cell phone...I love pushing all the buttons!
Thank goodness my mama and daddy called to check on me.
I got to talk to them almost every day.
Nana took me for a walk around the building and I loved to stop and look at all the pretty flowers. They really smelled good!
Finally we got to eat...I LOVED the rice and beans and chicken!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Friday Fun

First thing Friday morning we set off to Lowe's.
I wanted a bird feeder like Nana has in Missouri.
PawPaw let me try out all of the lawn tractors sitting out front of the store.
This red one was my favorite.
We hung up the feeder after filling it up with sunflower seeds.I wanted to carry the bird feeder but it was almost as big as me and very heavy!
After my nap, Nana and PawPaw took me to the park to play.
I'm fearless and loved all the slides.
I also practiced my gymnastic skills and walked the edging around the trees.
It was just like the balance beam!
This is one of the coolest swings.
I had to wait a long time for my turn because ALL the kids love it!
I played in the sand with my friend Colton. Thank goodness his mom thought to bring some toys because Nana didn't bring anything!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Nana & PawPaw Come to Texas

My mama and daddy went on a trip, so Nana and PawPaw Russell came to stay with me. Boy, did I have a lot of fun things planned for us to do.
After they picked me up at school, we went home and I took them on a tour of all the new things in our house. Mama got this new cabinet for the dining room. Now she has a place to show off all of her antique baby plate collection that Aunt Nancy gave her when she was growing up. I also showed them all of my dad's African animals, but Nana was too busy looking and forgot to take any pictures.
We read LOTS of books! I especially love my 26 alphabet books.

Tea Parties are my FAVORITE!!! We had a tea party every day!
PawPaw liked lots of sugar in his tea!
My dolls even liked to drink some tea!

Bath time was always fun. I loved for PawPaw to pour water on me.
It was almost like being in the swimming pool!
I loved my snowman towel. CHEESE...I'm almost ready for bed!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter, Easter and more Easter!!!

We started with an Easter Tea at Junior Women's Club. I got to wear a pretty dress and try and find eggs with stuff in them.

Then we had a hunt at school and man did I load up.

Mom even helped me find some.

Me and Ray Ray wore our cool shades.

After we found all our eggs at school we got to eat lots of great yummy snacks.I got to wear my bunny ears home from school.
Then we had a Egg hunt with the moms group.

I found lots of eggs in the woods.

On Actual Easter morning- mom and I were home and the Easter bunny came to my house and dropped all kinds of cool stuff for me.Coloring Books, Pencils, Lip Stick, and tons of eggs.

After I found all the eggs at my house we went over to Nana and Oompas.

Wow did they have a lot of eggs.

They made me sit in this basket and they said that when I was a baby I could fit in the basket.
Not so much any more. (Check out April 07 and March 08)
Daddy showed me how to ring toss and I got to do it this year.
What fun!!!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Jackson's Birthday Party

For Jackson's 6th Birthday we went to this cool play place,
It had all kinds of toys and big cool slides.
I started on the small one but worked my way up.

I didn't want to get off the slides and mom and daddy for got to take a picture of me with the birthday boy.