Sunday, August 9, 2009

Lauren Sue the Fish

Boy do I love to swim.

I want to do it every day.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Our Last Day in Missouri

Today we went to a baby shower for Aunt Becky & Elliot.

There were LOTS of good things to eat...Mama gave me 5 blue M & M's!!!

Elliot got LOTS of new clothes!
But Aunt Becky had to open all his presents for him.

No nap...I was getting very tired!
In fact, I slept all the way St. Louis when we left the shower.

My nap left me feeling ready to rock and roll at the hotel.
We played lots of games of UNO!

I wanted to walk to put my cards down.

And I got pretty "slap happy" while we were playing.

The game was almost over and I was hiding.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Party Day!

We had such a fun day today.
Aunt Becky and all the kids came to see us at Nana's house.
Of course, my mama had to hold Elliot some more.

And I took another turn...he's still pretty wiggly!

Aubrey and I put some lotion on Elliot, but I don't think it liked it much.

We went outdoors and chalked all over Nana's front porch.
Mama wrote everyone's name.

Nana brought out a new tea set for us to play with.
The pink cups turn purple when you pour cold water in them...VERY cool!

Aubrey and I loved using the spoons to stir our "tea."

Colton was in charge of pouring for a little while....

...then I wanted a turn!

We danced the night away celebrating my Nana's
Uncle Dale & Aunt Wanda's 50th Wedding Anniversary.
Fun, fun, fun!

PawPaw and Nana LOVE to dance...Aubrey and I had to hold on tight!

We were having a great time!

Dancing the "Chicken Dance" was so much fun!