Saturday, October 31, 2009


We had so much fun during Halloween week.
We got to go to a party with my friend Jack.
He was a frog and I wouldn't wear my costume.

Then Jackson and I got to go Trick or Treating on Halloween Night.

Colton too.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Grandmother Birthday

Tonight we took Grandmother to Hibachi for her Birthday.
She had to wear a silly hat when they sang her Happy Birthday.
Then she let me wear it.
So cute!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Vistors from Colorado

This weekend we had visitors from Colorado- Addie and Teagan and Ali.
It was so much fun.
We had a pajama party

We had a tea party out by the pool.
Mom even gave us real tea to drink - lem -a-lade

We did some sharing in the car and we could never ride very far with our shoes on.

We had so much fun I can not wait until they come and visit again maybe for Christmas!!!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Fall Festival at St. Andrews

Today we went to St. Andrews Nana's school and they had this cool festival going on.
I love to slide.
Mom and Dad won me so cool prizes.

I got to go fishing.

Ride on a train.

My Aunt Dolly got my finger nails painted pink.
So much fun!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Jessica's Birthday Party

So today we tried to ice skate. I kind of liked but kind of not.