Saturday, December 25, 2010


I got a Jeep for Christmas it is so cool!!!
I helped Taggert open all his gifts as well.
He is too little to open anything yet.

We both got Babyleg for Christmas they are so fun!

My cousins came too.

Elliot got a new jacket.
Me and Aubrey got Princess Dresses form our Nana.
She is so great!!!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve

So Santa is coming tomorrow and I had to get ready for him.
I made him my favorite breakfast - "nana" muffins.
Mom let me help with everything!!
Even spooning it into the cups.
We put out the reindeer food and it has glitter in it so
they can see where they are going at night.

I thought they might like some corn like the deer at my daddy's deer lease.

Daddy read us books and off to bed.
I hope I get some good presents.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

I can feed my brother now

I am such a good helper!!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Christmas Program

Tonight we had a Christmas Program.
It was so much fun!!
We got to sing fun songs and get all dressed up.

I even got to wear a cowboy hat.

Check out my dance!!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Parade Time Again in Weatherford

We got to ride in a Parade again this year.
My friend Jack has a very cool mommy and she lets us ride on their float.
Taggert liked it,

Most of the time.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Rocking Little Brother

Taggert loves his Saucer.
Mom and Dad took off the legs and Taggert likes to rock in it.

Halloween Weekend

School Parade at Primrose.
Taggert had lots of fun.

Then we got to go Trick R Treating and I got to wear my heels all night.
Mom has been letting me practice so I was pretty good.

Mermaid Kisses!!
Taggert made it about 10 minutes of trick r treating and he was out.
I got all his candy.
"Dorthy" came with me and her little dog TowTow

Monday, October 25, 2010

The Kids First Tech Game

Oh yeah!!
We had so much fun.
Lauren had 2 cow bells and the fans loved it.
Our family picture at the stadium.
We won the game.

We all had so much fun!!

Especially Taggert!!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Some Random Photos

Taggert went to Horseshoe Bay with Mom and Dad.
He did some relaxing.

I also have been sharing my toys and give him stickers some times.

Taggert really likes to watch me dance

Monday, August 23, 2010

First Day of School

Today was the first day of school.
I went to a new class room and Taggert started at Primrose.
I get to wear a new uniform.

Mom was worried I was going to drop Taggert but I told her I could handle it.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Just a Swimmin'

Today we did some swimming. Taggert used my old float- he really liked it.

Taggert took his nap in the stroller.

My mom took this cool picture of me.
I am flying!!!

Walk to School

Today me, Mom and Taggert walked to school.
It was a lot of fun.
Mom let me push for most of the way.

We had to look both ways before we crossed the street and "no laggaging".

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Water Park

Today we went to my cousins birthday party at Hawaiian Falls.

My mom made me go down this slide and boy did NOT like it!!

My Nana Donna went down some slides to try and get me to go again but I wouldn't do it.

Me and My mom did the lazy river - it was fun.

My cousin Grace took me around the lazy river too.

Then I fell in the middle of the tube.

My cousin Grace loves holding my brother.
She is really good at it.