Saturday, January 23, 2010

Fun Night with the Hatfields

Tonight we went to Alley Cats with Taylor and Hunter.
We got to race motorcycles- it was fun!!
I watched Hunter and Taylor play this stomp game.

Me and Taylor played the stomp game too.
It was fun.

Alley Cats with Hunter and Taylor

Tonight we went to Alley Cats with Taylor and Hunter.
We rode on motor cycles and raced.

We played a really cool soccer game on the big screen.

It was so much fun.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Stock Show with the Aunt Dolly

Tonight we went to the Stock Show and Aunt Dolly went with us.

We had so much fun and we got to pet a cow.

Stock Show

Tonight we went to the stock show with Aunt Dolly... I love the big blue tractors.
We met a cow named Abigail she had a birthday on Sunday she turned 1.
We got to see a lot of baby animals.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

My First Pedicure

Today I decided I did not want to take a nap instead I went to get a pedicure with mom.
It was a lot of fun.
I think I could get used to this.