Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Easter at Nana and Oompas

Today we went to Nana for Easter.
We got to egg toss it was so much fun.

All my cousins were there and we all got some cool Easter baskets with some great stuff.

I got a new tutu from my mom and dad.
I love tutus.

My Aunt Dolly and Nana and I got silly pedal hats.
Don't we look cute!

I started my morning off with a little horse ride and carrot for a snack.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Jackson's Birthday Party

Today we went to Jackson's Birthday Party.
I got to go skating, it was so much fun.
Me and Colton did some skating too.

Mom and Dad had to help me at the beginning but I got the hang of it.

Saturday, April 10, 2010


Today we went to see a play.


It was so much fun!!!

Me and Nana got our pictures taken with Cinderellas carriage.

This is me with Cinderella and Prince Charming.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Fun Time

Fun with my Nana.
We filled our bird feeder.

And have lots of tea parties.

Train Ride in the Park

Today we went to ride the train.
With Jackie!!! He is so much fun.

Jaxon came too.
We got to have picnic afterwards it was fun.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Mayfest with Friends

Today we went to Mayfest with Jack and Kennleigh.
It was so much fun.
We got to dance and get our faces painted.

Kennleigh and I got princess masks.
Don't we look pretty.

We got to make sand art.
We all danced alot.

We had so much fun!!!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

My New Bed

Today when I got home my mom and dad had gotten me a new bed.
I love it!!
It has stairs and another bed on top.

I am getting ready for my new baby
and so I got a new bed so they can have my crib.
I love my new bed!!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Butterflies with Jaxon and Jack

Today we went to see a bunch of butterflies.
We played out in the gardens too, and blew some flowers.

I love my mommy.

We tried to catch them but they are very very fast so we couldn't ever catch them.

I was trying to match them up with the paper we got with pictures of all the ones that were there.