Sunday, February 13, 2011

February Birthdays

Tonight we celebrated birthdays at Nana Sandy's and Oompa's House. We have 4 in February - Uncle Jeff, Grace, me and Nana Sandy.
We had a big cake.

And Funny Birthday Hat we all had to wear. I got some new princess shoes and a tutu and Jeffery had to try it on.
Doesn't he look cute!!!

Funny times

Today me and Taggert were playing with our toy baskets and I said I couldn't fit in there because I was too big.
Mom said I could so she stuffed me in. It was funny!!
Then me and Mom stuffed Taggert in.
He did not think it was funny at all.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Princess Birthday Party

Today I got to go to a Princess Birthday Party and I got to wear my mermaid outfit my Nana made me.
I got a sword when I arrived because there were dragons in the bounce house.

Taggert was prince with a crown.

Mommy was a Queen of course.

I can even jump in my dress. I am a very talented Princess.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Snow Time Fun

Well it has been snowing in Texas a lot lately.
Today I got to go out side and play with Daddy.
Taggert couldn't come outside cause he isn't big like me.
I made snow angels

I am ready to go skiing in a few weeks for sure.