Thursday, April 5, 2007

Another night out

We told Gage to smile and this was the face he gave us.
Bunny enjoyed me so much and her boys Josh and Gage wanted to help hold my pacifier in.
Hunter just wanted me to take his picture.
Taylor loves limes and after she has limes she wants to hold me but mom thought she should wash her hands first.
I am not sure what a lime is but she makes some pretty funny faces when she eats them.

Taylor and Hunter wanted to hold me but we decided On the Border wasn't the best place for that so their mom held me and they just "peteded me".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have more friends than ANYONE I know!!! You're going to have a great time looking back at these pictures and seeing all the great places you've been and things you've done. Can't wait to see you on Tuesday, Lauren!!! (Your momma and daddy too.)