So the weekend start off with a dinner party with my friend Layla.
I haven't seen her since my mom went back to work and her mom is going to go back to
work soon too. I told her it is not too bad when your mom goes back to work.
I love my school, Miss Caroline and Miss Barbara are my favorite
I haven't seen her since my mom went back to work and her mom is going to go back to
work soon too. I told her it is not too bad when your mom goes back to work.
I love my school, Miss Caroline and Miss Barbara are my favorite
and I have lots of friends I play with.

We got to make our hand prints and foot prints in this cool white stuff.
We got to make our hand prints and foot prints in this cool white stuff.
Layla and I are almost the same size can you believe it.
I let Layla use my Boppy
because I don't need it anymore I can get up on my elbows just fine.

Then on Saturday the day began with a little playing on my belly.
Then on Saturday the day began with a little playing on my belly.
Mom and I fixed spaghetti and baked some cookie.
Then we got dressed and went to Colton's 1st birthday (not my cousin he is 3).
Man his cake looked good I can't wait til I can taste some of that.
Then we went to Ian's house and picked up his mom for her baby shower.
Ian couldn't go because he is so small and his doctor thought it might best if he stayed home with his dad- I know they had a lot of fun.
I love to stay at home with just me and my dad- we get to have lots of fun together.
Then after the party we got to go back to Ian's house and I saw his bed he sleeps in and got to see him for just a little bit- man is he small.
Then on our way home my dad called and he came back from the deer lease early and was going to Hunter and Taylor's house for a game of poker.
Now I don't know what poker is but I love playing with Hunter and Taylor
so I said I want to go. And so we did.
My thumb tasted kind of funny - kind of soft and fuzzy.
Colton's mom, Angela held me a lot and I liked it.
Nana do you see I am wearing my bow.
Everyone loved it.
Jackson wanted me to roll over he was showing me how to do it.
I guess he doesn't know that I will roll over when I want to and not when someone tells me to.
Yummy Cake!!
Ian's Mom and his Grandma and his cake.
I can't remember this little girls name but she is from England and she talks neat.
She loved to play with me and I liked her hair.

Ian's Mom, Amy was so happy to get back to the house so she could hold Ian.
Ian's Mom, Amy was so happy to get back to the house so she could hold Ian.
He was trying to give me a high five.
That was it the day was finally over.
That was a very very long day.
But man was it fun!!!!!!
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