Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Spaghetti Time

Tonight i had spaghetti for dinner.
Man it was very good but boy was it messy.
I got to have bath time after my plate full of spaghetti.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Missouri Visitors

This weekend my cousins came to visit.
It was so much fun.
Aubrey played in my exersaucer.

We played on the stairs.

Dad and Colton played this game on the TV and man Colton was good he beat my mom and his mom and my dad.
My other cousin Meghan turned 4 and we got to go to her birthday party.
it was at a bowling alley.
Colton and Aubrey got to bowl.

Colton did pretty good.
Aubrey got to wear a party hat.
So did Colton.
Aubrey had some chili cheese nachos at the bowling alley.
She loved them.

We got to play on the floor.
Dad let me try to bowl too.
But I wasn't very good at it.

Meghan and Colton wanted to hold me but I wanted to crawl.
We played with blocks.
And looked out the window.

Dad played with Aubrey and I.

I am so glad my cousins came to visit it was so good to see them.
I love my cousins and my Aunt Becky!!!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Bath time

After my green beans, I have a bath.
I love bath time.

Green Beans!!

I love green beans!!

I can't get enough.

Grandma Russell send me green beans!!!

Monday, January 21, 2008

My First Swim Class

Tonight I had my first swim lesson.
It was a lot of fun.

My dad got in the water with me.

He liked to put my head under the water.

Iliked it too.
I got to chase these balls in the water.

I had so much fun.

I love the water.

I love to go under water.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Tonight I got a great surprise, my friends Travis and Daz came to visit.
Travis has been in Iraq and just got home today.
I haven't scene him since I was a little baby.

My Dad took us out to the garage so Travis could see his Africa skins.

Then we went to have Sushi.
It was good and after we had dinner this guy started singing and he was good.
I just laid my head own on the table and listened.

Then I started to drum along with the singer.

Then we came home and got in our PJs and Travis gave me my bottle.
It was so great to see him.


This morning I was playing.
Since I have started crawling so much I like to explore.
Look what I got into this this morning?

Look at me playing with the coasters.

Get me out!!! Mom I can't get out!!
