Sunday, January 6, 2008

Busy Sunday

I slept through the night last night. My mom and dad were so happy.
We all took showers in the morning because we were going see some new friends.
Do you like my frog towel my Nana in Missouri gave me?
I sure do.

These are my new friends- Ansley and Layton.
Aren't they cute?
They were hungry when my mom got the camera out to take their pictures.
I tried to get them to play with me but all they wanted to do is sleep.
After lunch with the twins we went home to take a nap and
when I woke up we went to get Grandmother.
We took her to dinner.
It was so good I had broccoli and man did I like it.
Grandmother and I were playing patty cake.
we went back to her house and she had a Christmas present for me and
I helped my dad unwrap it.

Then she let me play with her monkey too.
She is so much fun I like to go and visit her.

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