Sunday, April 27, 2008

First Night in the New House

Tonight we stayed at our new house for the first night.
I got to take a bath in my mom and dad's new tub.
Man was it fun.
Man so you see the size of that tub.
I can't wait I am so excited.
Mom got my hair all spiked up.
Can you believe that I have enough hair to do that?
Just barely.
After the bath I got the wear so crazy Pj's.

Don't I look goofy.
Mom and Dad forgot my Pj's so we had to make due with what we had.
I love my daddy so much!!!

He is a good snuggler.

The Never Ending Saturday

Today was a very long day.
Mom and Dad started before I woke up- they got all our stuff out to sell it at the garage sale.
Then when I got up we headed out to Fort Worth for the Race for the Cure.

My friend Kennedy was there and we shared breakfast together.

I decided about 2 miles into the Race that I wanted to be held so my mom got a arm work out because she had to carry me for over a mile.

Do you see my bruise on my face I fell at school- ouch!!
I busted my lip too.
Man I like to climb but that means I fall alot.

This is us with her friends Brooke and Kendal.
Then when we got done we went home and the garage sale was still going on. So I got to help and I modeled a few of the items for sale.

Daddy tried to drop me on my head.
Bubble Wrap is the coolest thing ever.
I love my hats.

They tried to get me to wear it but I just wanted to take if off.
This is my Oompas new car her name is "Ruby"
Don't we look good in it.
After the garage sale and a much needed nap we went a Crawfish Boil.

Not sure what crawfish boil is but my friend Colton was there and we had fun playing.
Jackson and I got to play too.
Colton and I got to have a picnic we had hot dogs for dinner.
These are crawfish- they smelled funny.
Colton was wearing the princess shoes and glasses doesn't he look funny.
His dad is so proud.
They had bubble machine man did I love it.
My mom and dad said we would have to find one.
I could get enough of it.

What a great day!!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Trip with out my Parents- yeah!!!!

I got to go to St. Louis with Nana and Aunt Dolly while my Mom and Dad worked on the new house.

I did a little reading on the plane.

And I had so much fun sitting in my own seat while we were flying.
Aunt Sue, Uncle Scott, Meghan, Carrie and Kelsey came to St. Louis for the weekend, too. Meghan, Carrie and Aunt Dolly were going to run a half marathon on Sunday. After we had breakfast on Saturday morning, I fell asleep and took a long nap, while Aunt Dolly and the girls picked up their race packets and went to the Arch. After I woke up, Nana made me look silly with my onesie and my socks pulled up to my knees.

Meghan, Carrie and Aunt Dolly raced on Sunday and all of them finished.

We were right at the finish line to see Aunt Dolly cross!

We went to lunch with Uncle Scott and Aunt Sue one more time. And then it was time to go home. We sat in first class on the way home, but I slept through it all.
Aunt Dolly and Nana were having too much fun to remember to take pictures.

Thanks Aunt Dolly and Nana for taking me on my first trip with out my mom and dad.

It was so much fun!!!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

No baby this weekend

So this weekend my Nana Townsend and my Aunt Dolly took me to St. Louis. My Aunt Dolly ran a half marathon and she did it really really fast. I also got to see my cousins Kelsey, Carrie and Meg and my Aunt Sue and Uncle Scott.
We had so much fun!!!
I was so wore out I went to bed as soon as I got home.
While I was gone it seems my parents have been hard at work.
This is my dad taking off the front door so he and Rob could get our new frig in the house. Be careful with that frig!!
I can't wait to see how much food we can fit in there.
Rob and Daddy hung all the lights in the house too.
Ian came to help but he had to take a nap first- he slept in the laundry room.
Then when he got up he played with my toys and watched his dad be a goof.
He was having so much fun.
This is my new bathroom.
This is mom and dads new bathroom.
And their new shower with a seat in it.

The house is coming along so good.
They are going to start on the wood floors on Monday and
then carpet on Wednesday and new countertops on Friday.
We should be able to move in soon.
Can't wait!!!