Monday, April 7, 2008

Trip with out my Parents- yeah!!!!

I got to go to St. Louis with Nana and Aunt Dolly while my Mom and Dad worked on the new house.

I did a little reading on the plane.

And I had so much fun sitting in my own seat while we were flying.
Aunt Sue, Uncle Scott, Meghan, Carrie and Kelsey came to St. Louis for the weekend, too. Meghan, Carrie and Aunt Dolly were going to run a half marathon on Sunday. After we had breakfast on Saturday morning, I fell asleep and took a long nap, while Aunt Dolly and the girls picked up their race packets and went to the Arch. After I woke up, Nana made me look silly with my onesie and my socks pulled up to my knees.

Meghan, Carrie and Aunt Dolly raced on Sunday and all of them finished.

We were right at the finish line to see Aunt Dolly cross!

We went to lunch with Uncle Scott and Aunt Sue one more time. And then it was time to go home. We sat in first class on the way home, but I slept through it all.
Aunt Dolly and Nana were having too much fun to remember to take pictures.

Thanks Aunt Dolly and Nana for taking me on my first trip with out my mom and dad.

It was so much fun!!!

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