Friday, July 25, 2008

Friday Fun

My Nana and I went to exercise class this morning...actually Nana went to exercise and I went to the nursery. I had a really good time. There were lots of other kids to play with and the helper ladies gave me a snack.

Then Nana and I met Colton and Aubrey and Aunt Becky at the sprinkler park. Boy, was that fun!!! I loved all the different water fountains, but this one was my favorite.

Colton and Aubrey brought lots of toys for us to play with.

Colton and I sat out for a while to dried off. I thought maybe I should put on some more sunscreen.

And yes, we went to the fair again! Nana and PawPaw love going and seeing lots and lots of the friends they grew up with. I guess it's kind of an old people thing. But I loved every minute of it. We got to see the animals again. I was mooing at this cow and it mooed right back at me. I jumped just a little, but Nana held me tight and said I was safe. My daddy called from Italy while we were at the fair. I talked to him and he said that he and mommy were REALLY MISSING their little girl (that's ME)! I can't wait to see them tomorrow night!

Thursday, July 24, 2008


Aubrey and I played all morning and then my Great-Grandma and Great-Grandpa Russell came over for lunch. We were so busy playing and showing them our tricks that Nana forgot to take any pictures. We had a really good visit though. Colton and Aunt Becky came over too. After lunch we all took naps.
When I woke up I decided to look through the paper and find out what was going on at the fair. PawPaw and Aunt Becky took us all to the fair and Nana went to a meeting.
Aubrey and I loved watching all the Bahama pictures on Nana's new digital frame. I got soooo excited every time a picture of my dad or mom flashed by. It's almost time for them to come home!
Boy did Nana miss out tonight!!! Colton and Aunt Becky rode LOTS of big scary rides. After Colton rode all his rides, he sat on the front of the stroller and fed Aubrey and me some dried fruit treats...we were getting VERY tired of sitting in that stroller!
When we got home from the fair, I had a bath and decided to unwind a little and practice blowing all of my PawPaw's predator calls. They are so much fun because they all make different sounds.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Swim Day

Today we went swimming with our friend, Judy. Her pool is just the coolest. Colton and Aubrey went down a great big slide but I watched and waved. I bet if my mom had been here she would have taken me down that slide too. Maybe next year!!! Thank you, Judy!!!

We went to the fair AGAIN tonight but Nana didn't take any pictures of me...I think she was kind of tired. Anyway, after the fair Aubrey got to spend the night at Nana's house too. We giggled and talked all the way home. PawPaw thought we were so funny.
But we only got to play for a little while before we had to brush our teeth and go to bed. It's been a long day and we were both tired. We went right to sleep without a peep!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Off to the Fair Again

Nana and I just stayed home today and played. We wanted to rest up and eat healthy so we could go to the fair again tonight. There's hardly any healthy food at the fair...but boy, the fair food sure does taste good!

I had a whole banana for my morning snack. And I always give Nana a big smile...she's a little crazy with that camera of hers. I don't know why she's always taking so many pictures???

This is one of my favorite little chairs at Nana's house.
I just love sitting in it because it's just my size.

Today after my nap, I decided to do some of the exercises I see my mom doing...only she has a great big ball. Nana has one that's just my size.
I was also studying my ABC's...multi-tasking (my mom's really good at that).
I was sooooo excited this afternoon because my mom and dad called from Italy. I talked to them on the phone and told them how much I loved them. They said Italy is beautiful! They've been site seeing all around Florence and they're leaving for Rome tomorrow. I can't wait to see them again!!!!

We headed to the fair again tonight. I thought these little bunny rabbits were pretty cute. Nana and PawPaw see LOTS of people they know at the fair and they love showing us grandkids off!

I ate a really good dinner tonight, so we got an extra special treat just before we came home. Funnel cake! Yum, Yum!
I think it's my next favorite food after curly fries.

Now I'm going to my cousins' house to spend the night.
I'm so excited...we're going to have a pajama party!
And I think we get to go to the fair AGAIN tomorrow night!!! Yippee!!!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Boone County Fair

My Nana and PawPaw took me to the fair tonight! My Aunt Becky and cousins, Aubrey and Colton, went too. We had sooooo much fun!

This sheep was making a lot of noise...BAAAAH! BAAAAH! It was a little scary at first,
but now I can say BAAAAH like a sheep!

Aubrey and I rode on the little tractors in the Children's Barnyard tent.
I could have stayed there all night. I tried riding all of the tractors.

But the little ones were my favorite.

Guess what Aubrey and I are eating....CURLY FRIES!!!

Once I got a taste of those delicious things, that's all I wanted!

I couldn't shove them in fast enough. Everyone was laughing at me,
but I didn't care as long as they kept those curly fries coming!
I was so greasy when we got home that Nana had to give me a bath
even though it was way past my bedtime.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

A Busy Sunday

Today was a busy day. My Nana invited a bunch of friends over for dinner tonight so we had to clean the house up a little bit.
Mostly we just cleaned up after me...I thought these little strips of paper were lots of fun!

My Nana found out just how much I like to climb today. Every time she turned around I was climbing on something. I got in this old wagon all by myself...luckily Nana helped me get out.

I loved playing with Colton's ABC's on the side of the refrigerator. I kept pushing the little red button and music would play. I just danced and danced.

My cousins came over for the party and we had lots of fun playing the piano. I don't know the name of the song we were playing but it was loud!

This is my friend, Judy. Aubrey and I are looking at Bahama pictures with her and telling her all about our trip.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Traveling to Missouri

Today has been an exciting and busy day! My mom and dad and I flew into St. Louis before they went on to Italy. Of course Nana and PawPaw were there to pick me up. I'm so excited (and so are they!) that I'll be spending a whole week with them here in Missouri. Nana told me we have LOTS of fun things planned. I cried just a little when my mom and dad said goodbye...
...but my Nana had me laughing pretty quick.

And then I went sound asleep and slept all the way to Nana's house. I woke up when we got there and guess who was waiting for cousins, Colton and Aubrey, and Aunt Becky. We hugged and kissed and started playing!

I loved playing with the little doll house that belonged to my mom and Aunt Becky when they were little girls. My Nana saved LOTS of their old toys for us to play with!

This playhouse Nana built for Colton is pretty cool too.
At first I didn't want to go inside, but now I love it.

And I'm not even afraid to go inside and shut the door!

After playing all afternoon, we were HUNGRY! So we all went out to eat Mexican food. After that Nana and PawPaw and I came home, I had my bath, Nana read me two books just like my mom and dad do every night, I gave my mom and dad kisses (just their picture) and my Nana and PawPaw too, and then I went to bed...I'm probably going to dream about my mom and dad. I sure love them A LOT...and I know they're going to have a wonderful trip.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Ians 1st Birthday

Tonight Ian came over for some cake for his first birthday.
I missed his party because I was in the Bahamas.
So we got him his own cake.
Man did he like it.
He shared with me too.
I love cake and icing.
He got so messy that he had to take a bath at my house.
Happy Birthday Ian!!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Bahamas- Mom and Dads 5th Anniversary

We got to spend a week in the Bahamas for Mom and Dads Anniversary.We said in this condo that Nana and Oompa, Nana and PawPaw, Aunt Becky, Uncle Doug, Colton and Aubrey, and Aunt Dolly and Mom, Dad and me and the Camel- my favorite.
We tanned by the pool.
Nana and I played in the pool
Aubrey and I got to sit next to each other every meal.

Colton and Nana poised for a pic.
They went to the waterfall and went under it.
Nana liked to hold me and Aubrey in the pool.
We had so much fun!!!

Dad liked to throw Colton in the pool.
Nana had all three of us.
We had so much fun.