Monday, July 21, 2008

Boone County Fair

My Nana and PawPaw took me to the fair tonight! My Aunt Becky and cousins, Aubrey and Colton, went too. We had sooooo much fun!

This sheep was making a lot of noise...BAAAAH! BAAAAH! It was a little scary at first,
but now I can say BAAAAH like a sheep!

Aubrey and I rode on the little tractors in the Children's Barnyard tent.
I could have stayed there all night. I tried riding all of the tractors.

But the little ones were my favorite.

Guess what Aubrey and I are eating....CURLY FRIES!!!

Once I got a taste of those delicious things, that's all I wanted!

I couldn't shove them in fast enough. Everyone was laughing at me,
but I didn't care as long as they kept those curly fries coming!
I was so greasy when we got home that Nana had to give me a bath
even though it was way past my bedtime.

1 comment:

Grayson said...

Lauren, I love the curly fries too. So glad we got to see you at the fair this year. Hope you get to come back next year.