Sunday, September 21, 2008

Fun at the Park

Today we went to the park with the McKay's. I went into the bounce house.
Boy was it fun.
Colton and I got to sit in the back of a police car.
Jackson and I got to play in the back seat of the fire truck.
Then I got to drive it.

This truck is so big we could sit on the front bumper.

Daddy and I pose for a pic.
Aren't we cute!!

Alicia and Chad's Wedding

What a beautiful wedding. It was at a ranch and we got to play before the wedding started.
They had a lot of cool things I could play in.
What a cute Family? Huh?

Daddy had to take a call so he let me drive.
Ok don't freak out we were in field with cows and horses in it.
But I am totally read to drive just in case you were wondering.
What do you think of my dress?
I liked to pull the cows tails.
Dad thought I should ride it.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

New B -sert

So I got to have a Popsicle tonight.
What a treat!!!
I don't bite it I just suck on it until it dissolves.

I got it everywhere.

Can you see it running down my belly?

I almost lost grip of it.
But I was able to lean it on my arm so I didn't drop it and didn't miss a beat.

I love Popsicles for sure.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Sunday at home

Today was a beautiful day in Texas.
I did a little reading the Zebra room.

I was looking through the book Nana made for me.
Then my Dad put me in leg warmers.
My mom was singing- She's a Maniac Maniac I know oh and she dance like she never danced before..."
I am not sure what it meant but she thought it was funny so did dad.
We had corn on the cob tonight.
I love corn on the cob!!!!!!!!
Love it more than shoes.
Yummy yummy can't get enough.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Gymnastic anyone

Today we went to gymnastics for the first time.
it was a lot of fun.I got to hang on the rings
Run on the trampoline floor.
Colton and I jumped on the yellow trampoline too.

Addison did some jumping too.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Dads New Safe

Tonight Nana and Pawpaw brought over Dads new safe.
I was a big help in getting out of the truck and up stairs.
I figured out the combination first thing.
I helped Oompa get tools out for the job.
I used the dolly to get it in the house.
Now this part I just gave everyone some directions so they did it right.