Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Lake Weekend with the McKays and Spells

We went to the lake this weekend with Jackson, Colton, Makena, Addison and Kimbell.
It was so much fun. I liked to walk out on the dock.
Look Jazz Hands!!
They had these great pink jeeps.
I love it!!
I hope I get one of these one day.

Daddy took me fishing.
I was a big help.
Daddy tried to get me to hold worm but I wasn't going to do that.
they are slimy and wet. I helped my mom hammer all the nail that popped up on the dock.
It was fun!!

Daddy and I went fishing a lot.
What fun!!
Jackson drove me around a lot.
He is good driver.
Colton and I played in the water.
Do you like Colton's new hair-do?
Kids in the tub!!
Jackson went a little crazy- I think.
Makena, Jackson and I had a snack.
I helped Daddy eat his birthday brownie.
It was good.
This is Hanna she is the neighbor down the street.
Trucks trucks I like trucks!!
Jackson and Makena pose for a pic.
On our way home from the lake we went tot he deer lease and rode around on the four wheeler.
I really liked it.

But boy was it hot.
Can you see my red cheeks?
On my ride home mom and dad let me watch a movie in the car it was great.
It was along ride home and I was ready to get out of the car.

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