Today we went to a cookie exchange and ginger bread house party.

Mom helped me make a house.

I liked all the candy that we got to put on it.
Finished product- What do you think?

I love candy- When my mom lets me have it.
Then after that party we went to the Gaylord to go through ICE with the Spells and the McKay's.
Do you like my big blue jacket?

It was so cold but so pretty.

After we saw all the pretty things, we got to go down the ICE slide.
I got to do it all by myself.

But I wasn't heavy enough to make it all the way down.
So my mom had to follow me down.

Angela got to go down too.

Then Jackson.

Then me again but
this time Mom
pushed me really hard.
1 comment:
Well aren't you just the busiest little girl I've ever known!!! The Christmas season looks like it is so much fun for you this year. I can hardly wait to come see you and celebrate with ALL my grandkids! I'm sure you'll have LOTS of stuff to show Colton and Aubrey! I love you, Miss Lauren T...more than tacos!!!
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