Monday, March 23, 2009

My Visit to Columbia

So mom and I wen to visit Nana and PawPaw, Aunt Becky & Uncle Doug, Colton and Aubrey in Missouri for spring break.We went to the ARC and went swimming.

Do you like Aubrey's cool glasses?

Do you like my new 'Kini?

Monday, March 16, 2009

The Gardens

Today we went to the Botanical gardens in Dallas.
It was so much fun.We got to ride in the wagon and have a picnic lunch. Just me and the boys, Jackson and Colton.
Three peas in a pod- that is what our moms say.

I smelled the flowers, my mom says that she should do that more often. Colton and played in a covered wagon.
I almost fell in the lake.
Me and Colton really wanted to swim in the fountains but our moms wouldn't let us.

So we just put our heads down in one of the cool play house they had.

New Shoes

Today mom got me some new shoes but my feet are too fat to fit them.
Hopefully I can find a friend with smaller feet who can appreciate them.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

cookin with mom

Today I helped mom do some cookin'.

I think I might have career in this stuff.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Skiing was Fun!!

Before we went to the mountain.
We went to visit Allison, Kallie, Travis, Addie and Teagan. Addie read me books. She is good reader.
Then we went to Allison's school and Addie read to me on the reading pool.

When we got to the condo.
We checked out all the rooms.
This was our favorite.
We love to play in the bath tub.
Me, Mason and Ian watched a movie.

Amy got to ski.
Daddy and Rob got to ski.
Me and Ian played a lot.
Matt and Mason cuddled on the couch.
Ian tried to sit in my lap.
Aunt Daz watched me on Thursday and Friday and we had so much fun.
On Friday night we all went to dinner.
It was so good!!!

Me and Ian went shopping with our moms on Saturday.
And we went on the Gondola.
It was a little scary at first but one of the skiers gave me his pole to hold.
And then I was a OK.
Ian was kind of scared at first too.
Then the skier gave me both his poles and his helmet.
Do I look ready to ski?
There we are at the bottom of the ski hill.
On the way back down it was much easier- I rode all by myself.
Just kidding- Ian was there too.
We did good.
Then I went for a walk on the trail behind our house to go see my daddy.
My daddy then skied down with me- It was fun!!!

Rob loved skiing.
Here we are in downtown Breckenridge.
I loved the snow and to make foot prints in the snow.
Ian and I got some fruit snacks after a hard afternoon of shopping.
Then on Sunday we went back to Denver to see Kallie, Addie, Teagan and Allison.
We walked to the park and played very hard.
Kallie and Addie.
Mom and me.
Me and Addie did some racing on the slides- It was fun.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

My Birthday Party

Today we had birthday party at my house.
It was so much fun!!
Grandmother came to see me.
Jackson and I played up stairs after lunch.
My cousin Jessica, Jackson and Colton tried on my birthday hats.
Me and my cousin Jeffery played a lot.

I got so many gifts!!
I got a new pink and white chair my Nana and Oompa.
My Nana Russell got me a new dress and a matching dress for my doll.

My mom got me a big Elmo and hung it from the ceiling.

We got to hit it with a bat.
Jackson took swing.
Ryan and Jessica took a few swings too.
Colton did too.
Mom held me and Jeffery back to we didn't get hit.
Then it busted open and all this cool stuff came out- bouncy balls, candy, fruit snacks
and Elmo stickers.
I got Elmo cake and everyone sang to me.
I love my cake!!
It was so good.