Sunday, March 1, 2009

My Birthday Party

Today we had birthday party at my house.
It was so much fun!!
Grandmother came to see me.
Jackson and I played up stairs after lunch.
My cousin Jessica, Jackson and Colton tried on my birthday hats.
Me and my cousin Jeffery played a lot.

I got so many gifts!!
I got a new pink and white chair my Nana and Oompa.
My Nana Russell got me a new dress and a matching dress for my doll.

My mom got me a big Elmo and hung it from the ceiling.

We got to hit it with a bat.
Jackson took swing.
Ryan and Jessica took a few swings too.
Colton did too.
Mom held me and Jeffery back to we didn't get hit.
Then it busted open and all this cool stuff came out- bouncy balls, candy, fruit snacks
and Elmo stickers.
I got Elmo cake and everyone sang to me.
I love my cake!!
It was so good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a big girl you are now!!! 2 years old!!! It looks like your Elmo party was a big hit!