Monday, November 30, 2009

A Visit to See to Harlow

Tonight we went to visit Harlow and Layla.
They are my friends.
And we took Layla a new game....UNO- my favorite.We had to open it right away and show her how to play it.
WE washed our hands after we used the big girl potty- I did and Layla watched.

Then we played in her big girl bed. It was so cool I hope I get one of those soon.

We posed for some cute pics for our moms -
they are crazy with the cameras you know.

Layla has so many baby dolls I played with them alot.

Momma held Baby Harlow she was so cute and little.
Momma said we would have one of those soon.

Then Daddy read me and Layla books- I love books.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Turkey Day!!!

Wednesday we stayed with Nana and Oompa and I helped Nana make the stuffing.
It was so much fun!!!

On Turkey Day Mom and Aunt Dolly went and ran the Turkey Troy me and Daddy slept in.

Nana made me a Pilgrim hat and collar.

Don't I look cute!!
I hope everyone had a happy turkey day.
I did.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Another weekend at the Deer Lease with Friends

This weekend we went to the deer lease again and this time we took friends, Angela, Doug, Colton and Jackson.We got to ride the four wheelers right when we got there on Friday - it was cold.

What cute boys- huh!!!
Doug and Daddy shot deer and Jackson was with them.
I was OK with the dead deer until Daddy scared me with their feet.
Colton was going to take me for a ride but Mom thought that was not a good idea.
We roasted marshmallows and made smores.
They were Yummy!!!

On Sunday I had a photo shoot on the four wheelers I think I think I could model for sure.
Don't these pictures make you want to buy a four wheeler.
The McKay's Christmas Pictures.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Deer Lease Time

So this weekend I got to go to the deer lease.
It was so cool!!!! I got to go in dad's deer stand.
Sit in Dad' chair he hunts from.

I got to ride on the four wheeler.

We had to fix one of Dad's deer feeder.
I am such a good helper.
Riding the four wheeler is so much fun!!!


Friday, November 6, 2009

Homecoming Again!!

Tonight Mom and Dad went to a dance and I got to stay with David and Dolly.
I had so much fun.
Don't Mom and Dad look silly in the funny clothes and what about that hair Mom has working.
She looks so weird I told her that too.