Monday, November 30, 2009

A Visit to See to Harlow

Tonight we went to visit Harlow and Layla.
They are my friends.
And we took Layla a new game....UNO- my favorite.We had to open it right away and show her how to play it.
WE washed our hands after we used the big girl potty- I did and Layla watched.

Then we played in her big girl bed. It was so cool I hope I get one of those soon.

We posed for some cute pics for our moms -
they are crazy with the cameras you know.

Layla has so many baby dolls I played with them alot.

Momma held Baby Harlow she was so cute and little.
Momma said we would have one of those soon.

Then Daddy read me and Layla books- I love books.

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