Monday, May 31, 2010

Mom's Birthday

Today is mom's birthday and we had a party for her.
We had some friends come all the way from Colorado - Addie and Teagan and Allison and Kallie.
We had so much fun in the pool.

Dad and I relaxed on the pool raft.
Dad and I got Mom a cake and sang her Happy Birthday!!

Nana Sandy had some holding time with Tag.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Fun Day Sunday

Today Travis came to visit.
Tag got worn out.
Travis likes to hold Tag.
Travis took a picture of me and mom.
Then mom took a picture of all three of us.
What a funny picture of us all.
I love taking pictures with Tag.

Then my mom let me take some picture all by myself.

I took pictures of Oompa and Don.

Love taking pictures with moms camera.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Lazy Saturday

Today Mom washed my pink chair.
So I let "Tiggert" sit in it with me.
We watched daddy do yoga.

I said cheese when mom took my picutre but "Tiggert" can't cause he doesn't have any teeth.
He kept falling on me and I had to pick him up.

He like to be really close to me and I don't always like it.

He took some model shots after I got out.
Here he is just laying around.
I went and got my baby so I could distract him.
Then I went and got our blankets to cover us up.

Then we switched blankets- me with blue and him with pink- isn't that funny.
I thought so.
Daddy came in to have some fun with us too.

Mom and Dad let me hold"Tiggert" whenever I want - even when he is screaming.
I tell it will be alright but he doesn't always believe me.
I try and give him lots of kisses but when that doesn't work I give him back to mom.

Here he is in his big boy bed.
He slept in there for the past 2 nights.
He is such a big boy.
Look familiar??
Mom says she took the same picture of me when I was a little girl.
(Reference March 5th, 2007 - doctors visit)

Friday, May 28, 2010

Just Another Day

Today when I got up I decided I wanted to hold "Tiggert".
It was Red White and Blue day at school so mom put us both in red, white and blue.
I love my little brother so much.
I was trying to hep him get his thumb in his mouth- he didn't like it at all.
Then mom took me to donuts for breakfast.

Taggert came to but he can't eat them cause he doesn't have any teeth yet.
While I was at school mom got out some of my old toys and Taggert played with them.

He is getting to be such a big boy!!!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Just laying around

Today my Nana and my Mom laid Taggert in his big bed and took his picture.
They did that with me when I was little too. (reference March 17th, 2007)

He is such a big boy.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Park Date

Today we went to the park with Graciela.
Taggert stayed home with dad.
I love the park.

Doesn't Taggert look cute in his new outfit!!
Tonight we made stepping stones with Nana.
Taggert even made one with his little bitty feet.
It is so cute.

Me and Nana decorated it after we got his feet prints.

They are so cute I am going to put them in my garden.