Saturday, May 29, 2010

Lazy Saturday

Today Mom washed my pink chair.
So I let "Tiggert" sit in it with me.
We watched daddy do yoga.

I said cheese when mom took my picutre but "Tiggert" can't cause he doesn't have any teeth.
He kept falling on me and I had to pick him up.

He like to be really close to me and I don't always like it.

He took some model shots after I got out.
Here he is just laying around.
I went and got my baby so I could distract him.
Then I went and got our blankets to cover us up.

Then we switched blankets- me with blue and him with pink- isn't that funny.
I thought so.
Daddy came in to have some fun with us too.

Mom and Dad let me hold"Tiggert" whenever I want - even when he is screaming.
I tell it will be alright but he doesn't always believe me.
I try and give him lots of kisses but when that doesn't work I give him back to mom.

Here he is in his big boy bed.
He slept in there for the past 2 nights.
He is such a big boy.
Look familiar??
Mom says she took the same picture of me when I was a little girl.
(Reference March 5th, 2007 - doctors visit)

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