Monday, June 21, 2010

Tee Ball Time

Tonight we went to Colton's Tee Ball Game.

Taggert had to wear his hat it was very sunny. Elliot had a lot of fun!!!

Mom had her good camera and got some great shots of him playing!!!

We the game was over we got to have a snack.


Dad made us take our shirts off so we didn't get them messy.

Me and Aubrey posed for some pictures for Mom.

Making stepping stones

We made stepping stones with Nana today.

Mom helped all the kids.

Even Colton's big old foot fit on a stone- just barely.

Then Nana helped us decorate them.
Me and Aubrey did our little brothers too.

Fishing with Pawpaw and Daddy

This morning Daddy and Pawpaw took me and Aubrey fishing.
It was alot of fun and we caught a bunch of fish.
Every time we put in our poles we caught a fish it was fun.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Fathers Day

Nana had all the Russell's over for Fathers day (well most of them anyway).

We took lots of pictures.

Grandpa Russell loved holding Baby Taggert.
Elliot, Pawpaw and Grandpa Russell had fun playing.

Grandpa and Grandma Russell liked holding Taggert.

I love giving Taggert kisses.

He is my favorite little brother.

Here we all are the Russell-Quinn Townsend Gang.

Don't we look good!!!!

Saturday, June 19, 2010


Today we went to this place called Mugs Up.
We had a picnic.
Boy was it fun.
We got to have orange soda and I cant stop talking about it.

Thursday, June 17, 2010


We had bath time.
Can you believe we all 5 fit in Nana Donna's bathtub?
Fun in the tub!!

The next morning Grandma Russell came over.
She read us lots of books.

We all love reading lots of books.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Swimmin' Fun

We did lots of swimming in Missouri.
Elliot and Taggert rode in the wagon to Pirates Landing.
Nana Donna went down the slide with me and Aubrey.

Elliot loves the pool too.

The whole gang!!!

We had so much fun!!

So did Elliot.

Elliot got stuck under a chair.
He eventually found his way out.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Size me up

After dinner we all headed to Nana and Pawpaws house.
Mom wanted pictures of us on the floor so you can see how big we are.

The next day me and Aubrey wore matching outfits
and did our hair in a ponytails with bows.
I love bows!!!

Me and Aubrey like to see all the pictures Aunt Becky took.

Then one day we got to play in the rain.
It was so much fun!!

Elliot even liked it.