Friday, June 4, 2010

My Friends Came to Visit

Today we went to the zoo to see my friends Teagan and Addie.
We had so much fun!!!

We got to ride a big turtle.

Teagans grandma came with us too.

So did mom's friend Allison- she carried me so I could see the animals because mom had Tag in a carrier on her belly.
We saw a Rhino.

Tag was a trooper we were at the zoo for 5 hours and he didn't even get fussy.
He is such a good little brother.
Addie and I saw all kinds of animals.
We got to feed the birds.
Me and Addie got to watch Sleeping Beauty- it was so good.

We had to take our babies on a walk in our strollers.
It was hot so we had to take a break in the shade.
I showed Addie how to hold my brother and she was really good at it.

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