Thursday, March 8, 2007

Bath Time!!

My dad is putting together my bathtub that Auntie Daz and Uncle Don gave me.
I am so excited to be getting a bath.

My mom gave me my first bath, and my dad said he was just going to observe.

My dad kept me warm when we were all finished in my frog towel.

Dad did my hair too.

Look at me...holding up my head. I am getting so big!

I had a doctor's appointment this afternoon and I have put on another 6 ounces; so I am at 6 pounds and 15 ounces now.


Anonymous said...

The. Cutest. Thing. Of. All. Time. Ever.

so awesome. and congrats!

Anonymous said...

What a cutie! Glad I got to see you guys (and Lauren) tonight!

See you soon!

Aunt Dolly