Monday, March 5, 2007

Doctor's Visit

Well, it's official, I'm gaining weight...which is good thing.

I had a weight check on Saturday and I had only gained one ounce (6lb 4oz) since I left the hospital. When I left the hospital I only weighted 6lb 3oz- which is normal, you can loose weight in the hospital- I mean have you had their food- Yuck!!

So I went home and decided to increase my calorie intake and it worked.

Nana Russell and my mom took me in for another weight check this morning and I had gained 5 ounces so I am just shy of my birth weight.

We called Daddy and he was so excited that I was putting on weight. Between you and me...I think he was a little worried after the first visit.

But all the travel this morning has worn me out and I am need of a major nap.

Good Night Sweet Dreams!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She looks so sweet!