Thursday, May 31, 2007

Birthday Fun

Today is my Mom's birthday.
She got some really pretty earrings from my Dad and I like to pull on them.
Today we went to Nana's house she was having a party for all her school friends.
To get ready mom said I needed a bath- she said I was stinky.

Then we went to Nana's to help her get ready for the party.
I got to go swimming with my Dad and their were lots of other kids in the pool.
I liked to watch them. They look like they were having sooo much fun.
More pictures to come - Mom was taking them with Oompas camera.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Today we went to visit my Mom's good friend Kim.
She is so funny.
She was making funny faces at me and I would laugh at her.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Just a Swingin'

Some days I like my swing and some days I don't like it at all.
Today is a good day in my swing.
My dad was making funny faces at me and making me laugh .

Friday, May 25, 2007

Activity Mat

Today I was playing on my activity mat and Mom got a few video I thought you might enjoy.
She was trying to catch me smiling but I am very quick and she hasn't caught me yet.

This was as close as she got.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

My Aunt Becky's Birthday

Today is my Aunt Becky's Birthday.
We sent her a birthday present in the mail on Monday and she got it last night.
She called us she was so happy with what we picked out for her. We picked out some really great shoes for her.
My dad picked out a pair of red shoes for her and she loved them and wore them to work today.
I hope I get to see her in her new shoes soon.
Maybe my Nana can take a picture of her in them and post it on my blog.

Lunch with Friends

Today Mom and I went into Dallas to visit our friend Nurse Aimie.
Brodie and Zandy road with us.
When we got there we got to see her new loft- I have seen it before but Brodie has not.

Then we all got in our strollers and went to lunch.

Nurse Aimie held me after I had my lunch so Mom could eat her lunch.

After Brodie finished his lunch he got to sit with his mom.

He was sticking his finger in his ear.
I don't know why?

He showed me where his nose was. He is very smart.

Aimie is all smiles today she doesn't have to work.
Aimie sings really pretty.
She is having a show on the 2nd of June and if any of you want to go she is selling tickets.
You can call her or call my Mom.
You can see her band at:

Monday, May 21, 2007

Hangin at the House

Today mom and were just hangin at the house.

So she decided to take a video of me.

I of course would not perform as she wanted me to.

I am starting to get very active.

I like to kick my feet and move my arms a lot.

When I am on my activity mat I really go to town.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Don's Party

Tonight we went to a surprise party for my friend Layla's dad, Don.

Here she is with her mom.
She was pulling her moms hair. I used to do that but my mom
got all her hair cut off and I can't do it as well anymore.

That is Don and Holly Layla's mom and dad.
Don't they look so happy.

We had so much fun. I got to take nap in a booth.
Mom and Dad had a great time and I was really good for them until the end when I decided it was time to go home. But as soon as we got on the highway I was asleep.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Baseball Anyone

Tonight we had a baseball game with a bunch of my Nana Townsend's friends.
Mom put me in a baseball shirt my Aunt Dolly gave me.

Here I am with Mom as you can see the field is covered because it was raining.

I had to wait so long for the baseball game to start I fell asleep on my dad.
My Auntie Daz and Uncle Don showed up at around 9pm.
I was still up and I got to stay up until midnight.

BBQ at our House

Tonight we had some friends over to the house for pork loin - that is my Pawpaw specialty.

Everyone liked it.

Hunter and Taylor had fun playing with me.

I liked to watch them play, I can't wait until I am big enough to play with them.

Hunter is really good with the soccer ball- I think he will be able to teach me a thing or two.

Hunter liked to hold me

Taylor is just plane crazy.
She is so much fun and she has lots of questions for everyone.

She wanted to hold me for a minute but didn't for very long.
She was too busy checking everything out.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Gamblin' Grandma

Tonight we went to Mary and Don's house and had dinner. Mrs. and Mr. Sampish, Becky and Steve, my Nana and Oompa and Aunt Dolly were there too.
After dinner my Nana taught me how to play this game called a Slot Machine.
I am not sure what it is all about but she was trying to get me to push all these buttons and then it made all these noises and she got excited.
I hope some day I understand it.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Lunch with Layla

Today we went and had lunch with Holly and Layla.

Sushi moms favorite.

We had a great lunch I stayed awake the whole time.

Layla got to have bottle during the middle of lunch and mom held her a lot.

Monday, May 14, 2007

The Animals

Wanted to let you know some of the animals my dad shot while he was in Africa.
Rhinos - NOT he just got to see them in the wild.

Here are all the hunters with all there trophies.
Can you see all the great smiles on their faces.
Looks like they had a great time.
Here is my dad and Oompa with his Gems Buck.
Here is my dad with his Impala.
Here is my dad with his Kudu.
This is World Class Kudu- 58 inch horns- he is going to get a medal for shooting it
and it will be in the record books.
Pretty exciting.
Oh also one day it will be mounted over our fireplace.
This is his Spring Buck.
Do you see his fuzzy tail?
This happens when the animal is dieing and is only open
and fuzzy for about a half hour after it dies and then it goes away.
Here is Dad and Oopma with their Spring Bucks
they shot them the same day with the same gun.
This is a Blue Wildebeest Dad shot.
This is a Wort Hog he shot.
Weird looking tusks huh?

And last but not least his Zebra.
I hope he make me a pair of boots.
Maybe matching with my mom.
He had such a wonderful time in Africa but Mom and I are sure glad to have him back.

Mothers Day

This morning we went to breakfast at La Madeline for Mothers Day.
I gave my mom an early present I slept through the night.
I have not been doing that real recently.
Then we went for a walk and Dad mowed the lawn.
We went to Nana and Oompas for a Mothers Day Dinner.
My cousin Grace was there and she was very excited to see me.
Then Grace wanted to go swimming and
Nana put my feet in the pool while we were watching her.

My outfit got a little wet so Mom went and put on my swim suit and got me back in the pool.
Don't I look cute in my new suit.
Thanks Again Judy.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Daddy's Home!!!!!!!

Today my dad got home from Africa.
We went and picked him up from the airport.
He was very tired but sounds like he a wonderful time.
He shot all kinds of animals.
Mom and I had to keep him up until night time.
Then he and I fell asleep on the couch.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Rest of the Week


We went to see Mrs.Cary that is one of mom's teachers. Then I got to go with my Nana Russell and my mom went shopping with Aunt Becky. Then we went to Aunt Becky's and Uncle Doug's for some playtime and then we went to dinner.

Colton showed us how he can drive his John Deere tractor.

He wanted to haul me but mom said no I was too little.

We went on a walk with Nana around Stephens Lake, then mom went to lunch with Jennifer B and I got to go with Nana again.
We had dinner with Aunt Caryn, Uncle David and Cousin Michelle and Cousin Cami.

Cami did a really good job holding me.

Aunt Caryn thought I was really big.

Aunt Becky got her hands on me as well.

We went to lunch today with Mr. Vandover he was one of mom's teachers too.
Then we went shopping with Nana and got her some great new clothes.
After a full afternoon of shopping we went to dinner with
the Regan's, the Quinn's, Daz, Liesl and Nana & PawPaw.
I said goodbye to Colton, Aubrey, Aunt Becky and Uncle Doug.
I am going to miss them we had such a great time while we were in Missouri.