Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Doctor Visit

This morning we went to the doctors office.
Mom has been telling me about it for a week and she kept telling me I was getting shots.
I didn't know what a shot was.
I DO NOW!!!!
Here I am on the scale.
I am weighting in at 11 pounds and 5 ounces and I am 22 inches tall.
The doctor said I am growing great.

Then Dr. Bruce checked me out.
She looked at my ears and mouth and checked my reflexes and listened to my heart and checked in my diaper.
Normally after all that, she is done not today.
Today nurse Linda came in and gave me this really sweet tasting stuff and I liked it.
Then she and my mom held me down and poked me in the leg twice on each side- I think that was the shot.
And let me tell you it hurt really bad.
I turned a shade of red my Mom has never scene before.
Then we came home and I ate and went down for a nap.
Because Mom and I are going to Missouri today on a airplane.
I am so excited and I think Mom is excited too.

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