Monday, May 14, 2007

The Animals

Wanted to let you know some of the animals my dad shot while he was in Africa.
Rhinos - NOT he just got to see them in the wild.

Here are all the hunters with all there trophies.
Can you see all the great smiles on their faces.
Looks like they had a great time.
Here is my dad and Oompa with his Gems Buck.
Here is my dad with his Impala.
Here is my dad with his Kudu.
This is World Class Kudu- 58 inch horns- he is going to get a medal for shooting it
and it will be in the record books.
Pretty exciting.
Oh also one day it will be mounted over our fireplace.
This is his Spring Buck.
Do you see his fuzzy tail?
This happens when the animal is dieing and is only open
and fuzzy for about a half hour after it dies and then it goes away.
Here is Dad and Oopma with their Spring Bucks
they shot them the same day with the same gun.
This is a Blue Wildebeest Dad shot.
This is a Wort Hog he shot.
Weird looking tusks huh?

And last but not least his Zebra.
I hope he make me a pair of boots.
Maybe matching with my mom.
He had such a wonderful time in Africa but Mom and I are sure glad to have him back.

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