Saturday, June 30, 2007

Saturday Night

Tonight we had dinner with our friends Carol and Chuck.
Carol is such a hoot!!

Friday, June 29, 2007

Dinner with Friends

Tonight we had dinner with my cousin Amanda and Kyle.
Before they got tour house I got to play in my activity center.
I love it and can make the wheels spin.

Kyle and Amanda just got engaged and we went out and celebrated.

This is Will one my mom's friends from work.

Monday, June 25, 2007

First Day of School

Today was my first day of school and Mom's first day at her new job.
I did good at school I didn't get a long enough nap but maybe tomorrow will be better.
But Mom put me down early tonight so I could get some sleep.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Road Trip

So this weekend we went on a road trip with Nana and Oompa to Uncle Charlie's Retirement Party in Conroe, TX.
I slept most of the way to Conroe and then when we got there we got to go swimming before the party started.

Yo Yo Yo whaz up?
How you like my hat?
My daddy took me in my lady bug float.

Megan was swimming with her noodle.
Aunt Lisa held me while mom and dad swam some more.
Uncle Chris and Megan were just lounging around.
I got to give Megan some kisses.
Aunt Lisa and Megan were having fun in the sun.

Aunt Amy got me to sleep after my long swim.
The swim took a lot out of me but the margarita machine put me right to sleep
- don't worry no gave me any margaritas.
Megan liked to give me kisses.
Aunt Lisa did a good job holding me.
Daddy and I were ready for the big party for Uncle Charlie.

Dad was doing Superman with me- don't worry he didn't drop me and I liked it a lot.
I had to take a rest at the hotel while mom and dad got ready for brunch on Sunday.
My friend Megan was so excited to hold me and she did a great job.

We are going to best of friends.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Visit from the Family

Tonight my cousins Grace, Jessica and Jeffery came over for dinner.
We had a lot of fun.
We played and watched movies.
Here my Aunt Jo is helping me with the blocks.
Grace and Jessica watched a movie in my mom and dads room.
Jeffery was helping me play with my activity center.

Talkin Time

Today my mom put me in my Bumpo and we had a great conversation.

Ridem' Cowboy!

Today my mom put me in my Bumpo and put this silly hat on me.
She says I am real Texan now because I have a real cowboy hat.
Now all I need is some boots- My daddy has some nice ones I think I might need a pair soon.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Last night my mom got me a present it is called a Bumpo and I love it.
I want to sit in it all the time.

Today we went to the pool with the moms group and we had a lot of fun.
Here I am with my friend Jackson.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Visit from my Cousins

This week my cousins Aubrey and Colton came to visit and
they brought their mom, Aunt Becky and my Nana.
It was so much fun!!!
I love when they come to visit.
Colton played int he sprinklers with my neighbor- Shepard and my dad.

Me and Aubrey just watched them have fun.
We were talking about what has been going on.
We all went and meet my dad one day for lunch and
got our picture taken by this weird cow.
We went to a sprinkler park one day and my mom took me in it was nice and cool.

I took a little nap after I was in the water.
We all sat out on the porch in the evening.
My mom pushed Aubrey in the swing.
My aunt Becky put together my activity center and I let Aubrey try it out.
She liked it.

My Nana talked to my Pawpaw while I took a nap.
There was this cool spider making his web on the porch and Colton really liked it.
Then there was a dog pile on Aunt Becky.
I can't wait til I can dog pile.
Like three monkeys in a bed. Huh?
Colton was trying to hide from me but I found him.

We went to the World Aquarium and it was very fun.
I had such a great week with my family.
I hope I get to see them soon.
I send my love to them.