Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Lunch with Layla

Today I went to lunch with Layla.
We first had a little play time at her house she slept through most of it.
I liked her bouncer and her Baby Einstein Videos- mom doesn't let me watch TV at home.

Then she tried on my hat and it fit her so her mom said she needed one.
Then we went to lunch, afterwards we went to the Gap with our moms.
They put us in these crazy glasses.
I thought they were kind of cute.
What do you think?

Then Layla got a hat of her own.
Isn't she cute.
Thanks for the fun day Layla.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You girls are having way to much fun!!! I'm so jealous! Can't wait to come to Texas to see you and to give you hugs and kisses!