Friday, June 15, 2007

Visit from my Cousins

This week my cousins Aubrey and Colton came to visit and
they brought their mom, Aunt Becky and my Nana.
It was so much fun!!!
I love when they come to visit.
Colton played int he sprinklers with my neighbor- Shepard and my dad.

Me and Aubrey just watched them have fun.
We were talking about what has been going on.
We all went and meet my dad one day for lunch and
got our picture taken by this weird cow.
We went to a sprinkler park one day and my mom took me in it was nice and cool.

I took a little nap after I was in the water.
We all sat out on the porch in the evening.
My mom pushed Aubrey in the swing.
My aunt Becky put together my activity center and I let Aubrey try it out.
She liked it.

My Nana talked to my Pawpaw while I took a nap.
There was this cool spider making his web on the porch and Colton really liked it.
Then there was a dog pile on Aunt Becky.
I can't wait til I can dog pile.
Like three monkeys in a bed. Huh?
Colton was trying to hide from me but I found him.

We went to the World Aquarium and it was very fun.
I had such a great week with my family.
I hope I get to see them soon.
I send my love to them.

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