Monday, July 2, 2007

Dinner with Mom and Dad

Tonight I watched as Mom and Dad had dinner and wine and wondered when I would get to enjoy all of that.
I watch very closely and I know I can take a bite at anytime.

Here we are enjoying a family dinner.

My Dad thought it would be funny to have me hold the wine bottle.
Ha Ha Daddy.

They decided that maybe I should try some food and I kind of liked it.
Dad did a great job feeding me and keeping it all in my mouth.

Afterwards my mom bounced me.
You see we don't have a rocking chair so my mom bounces me on her ball and I love it.
Puts me right to sleep every time.


Anonymous said...

In about 16 years...I bet you're daddy won't think it's so funny if he sees a picture of you with a wine bottle!!!

Holly Allen said...

Awwwww...what a cute family!

Holly Allen said...

PS-Julie-you look like you never had a baby!