Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Happy Fourth of July!!!!

Good Morning Everyone!!
This morning my mom got me all dressed in my Fourth of July outfit- What do you think?
We had breakfast and we were getting ready to go on a walk when it happened.
It has been happening to me a lot- blow out. I learned it from my cousin Aubrey.
So my mom is now washing my Fourth of July outfit so I can wear it today.
Yesterday I went to the doctors office and they gave me 4 shots man do I hate that.
But before I got the shots the doctor checked me out and I weighted 13 pounds and 13 ounces and I am 24.2 inch tall.
I am growing just like I should be.

I hope everyone has a Happy Fourth of July!!!!!


Anonymous said...

What a proud little American you are, Miss Lauren T! I bet your Uncle Travis will sure enjoy seeing these pictures. I know you had a fun time at your school parade!! It looks like you have lots of friends there.

Holly Allen said... cute! I am a bad mother- I didn't get out to buy a 4th outfit....but Layla liked the fireworks show I took her to! I hope you had a great 4th!