Sunday, March 9, 2008

Easter Party with my Moms Group

Today we had an Easter Egg Hunt with our Moms Group.
It was so much fun. We got to do crafts and hunt for eggs.
My dad helped me find my eggs.
Colton found a lot of eggs too.
I liked to suck on the eggs.
Angela helped Colton open his eggs.
Dad helped me open mine.
But I told him that I could do it my self.
See look what I got. M&Ms!!!!
Mom let me have some.
I love M&Ms.
Mom said I only get them on special occasions.

I took my new wagon to the park.
Gavin like to play in it.
I also got to swing.
And swing.
And crawl in the tunnel.
It is so much fun to play at the park.
I got to crawl up the slide.
It was so much fun playing with all my friends from the Mom's Group.

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