Monday, March 3, 2008

My Birthday in Texas

Today my mom and dad had a birthday party for me.
Everybody sang to me and then more cake!!!
I love cake.
Cake cake more cake!!
Hunter and Ryan wanted some of my cake.
Icing and Cake maybe I will get it this everyday now that I am one.
My cousin Jeffery wanted some of my cake.
Messy Face!!
I tried to give him some but he didn't want anything from me.

Look at all my friends at my party.
I love you jump.
Colton had some dirt while he was waiting for his cake.
Meghan wanted to hold me but I don't like to be held at all.
My Nana and Oompa got me a wagon.
I love it!!
Meghan pulled me and Jeffery around.
My cousins like my play house in my back yard.
Again I don't like to be held.

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