Wednesday, February 27, 2008

My Birthday

Today was my birthday and my Nana and Pawpaw
threw me a party it was so nice.
There were lots of people at my Nanas house to see me.
They sang to me.
We posed for a picture.
What a cute family.

Dad showed how to pick off the icing.

Then Mom let me take bite out of my cake.
Then I got the hang of it.
See Dad this is how you do it.
I love icing.
Little milk and I am good to go.
More cake please!!!
Aubrey wanted some too.
Man that cake is good stuff.
Why do they always have to wipe my face?
I don't like it.
My Dad was getting Aubrey she was laughing hard.
He gave her some of my icing too.
Do you like my birthday dress?
I got when I was in Colorado with my Sampish friends.
Dad gave Aubrey more cake.
Then I got lots of presents.
Lots of Books.
My Grandma Russell made me this great quilt.
I love it.
And lots and lots of clothes!!
I love new clothes!!
Aubrey read one of my new books.

Grayson liked my new toys too.

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