Monday, February 11, 2008

Swimming Again

Tonight was swim class with Dad.
Dad had to put flippers on my feet but they don't stay very well-
my feet are too small.

I love the loop Dad puts me in and I get to splash and splash
and he swings me around very fast.

This is the Monkey crawl- I get to hold on to the side of the pool
and try and move down the side.
However what I do is hold and let go-
Dad you better be watching so I don't go under.
Splash Splash- I love to Splash
This si Miss Laura She is my teacher and
the class is singing me the Goodbye Song

I am under the water I held my breath for 5 second tonight
and I got 2 M&Ms for doing it.
Man I like M&Ms I hope I get more of those in my next swim class.

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