Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentines Day!!

Today at school we had Valentines Day party.
We had cookies and Cheetos.

Man they were good.

I was licking my fingers.

Lucas had some cookies too.
Katlyn had some too.
She is a ham as soon as my mom got the camera out she started smiling.
Noah was getting it in his hair.

Then my mom took me over the toddler room and I got to see Madalyn.
My mom said I get to be in the same class with her again soon.
I can't wait.
Her brother was there too.
After our valentines dinner as a family I got to take a bath.
Isn't my outfit cute??
Self portrait of me and mom.

I got some new lip stick for valentines day and some new books.
Then I got very close to the camera.
I tried to touch it.
This is my new thing.
I like to catch things on my teeth.

Naked Baby!!!
I am sending kisses and hugs to each and everyone of you.
Happy Valentines Day!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

My kind of party- cheetos and cookies! I love your outfit and am jealous of your gifts!